69 ways you can improve your super

  1. Get a professional review of your super
  2. Read customer reviews on Google
  3. Speak to a financial planner
    • Did you know, moneysmart.gov.au explicitly recommends that you seek financial advice? “Planning for your retirement is complex and it’s important to get advice from people with specialist knowledge.”
  4. Don’t simply copy a strategy that worked for one person in a book
    • Many Aussies copy the Barefoot investor. Scott has an incredible story and we highly recommend learning from his strategies! But if you simply copy him then you are also ignoring his views: “Before acting, you should consider seeking independent personal financial advice that is tailored to your needs.” directly from the homepage of his website.
  6. Make sure your plan suits you
  7. Understand how you’re invested
  8. Know your beneficiaries
  9. Sort out your insurances
  10. Consolidate multiple funds
    • Did you know that most Aussies have more than one fund? This means you’re likely paying a lot more in fees than you could be.
  11. Call Dan Allen at 1300 242 800
  12. Always be comparing
  13. Don’t just listen to your mates…
  14. Read your superannuation statement
    • A lot of supers put an annual growth rate that includes your contributions. This is a very misleading way of hiding your real rate of return.
  15. Get a personal financial planner
  16. Increase your super contributions
  17. Work part time before or during retirement
  18. Establish financial goals
  19. Make a plan
  20. Define your dream retirement
  21. Ensure your insurances are still relevant
  22. Make sure your family has their super sorted
  23. Education yourself on finances
  24. Maximize tax breaks
  25. Start early
  26. Review your financial goals
  27. Stop avoiding retirement planning!
  28. Develop a retirement plan with your family
  29. Take advantage of free opportunities to review your super
  30. Take advantage of free opportunities to review your retirement plan
  31. Take advantage of free opportunities to review your insurances
  32. Make a salary sacrifice
  33. Take advantage of government co-contributions
  34. Understand what services your superfund is actually providing
  35. If you get a new job, make sure you look into your fund and look for opportunities to consolidate
  36. Don’t accept mediocre returns!
  37. Read the fine print
  38. Understand the fees your super fund is charging
  39. Every few years, review your insurances to ensure they are meeting your current needs
  40. Understand the real growth rate on your super (versus the often advertised rate that includes your own contributions…)
  41. Stay up to date with legislative changes that impact super
  42. Read information from independent sources that aren’t directly associated with a specific super fund
  43. Check comparison sites before you simply stay with your current fund (and check out the customer reviews of your current fund)
  44. Okay,
  45. We
  46. Are
  47. Exhausted
  48. With
  49. This
  50. And
  51. I’m
  52. Sure
  53. You
  54. Are
  55. Too.
  56. We’d
  57. Rather
  58. Spend
  59. The
  60. Rest
  61. Of
  62. Our
  63. Day
  64. Helping
  65. You
  66. With
  67. Your
  68. Super.
  69. So, call 1300 242 800 and speak with a superannuation specialist